Monday, October 22, 2012

School Night- Gratitude Day 16

It's a school night but we are having a sleep over.

My little sister is sleeping over.  It's a wild sleep over night, she's doing homework
I'm blogging and we are watching the debate,

WILD I tell ya.

It's amazing that when I was 12 she was born, when I was 18 she graduated Kindergarten,
when I graduated college she was 11, now at just a few days until I turn 30 she's 18 and officially an adult.

It's all come full circle, I still remember when I was 12 and holding this little tiny bright red baby thinking about how this little peanut would be 18 when I turn 30 and that seemed so far away and i thought I'd be really really old.  And now we are here.

She's not just the little baby that I help feed or the silly little girl that dances around to Disney movies, now she's a grown woman, much taller than I am, not that it takes much and I'm grateful to be her friend.

Here's a little senior picture sneak peak...

purdy, huh??!!

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