Sunday, April 19, 2009

We are having babies!!

Baby bunnies....that is...

On Friday night Peter and I were sitting out on our deck enjoying the fresh night air with a beer or 2 when our little dog Max decided to bark and stare at the outside corner of our deck down in our garden. Peter and I just assumed that Max was seeing maybe a little frog or something in our garden. Max was persistant and would not leave so Peter finally decided to get the flash light and show Max nothing was there. With the flashlight's help he notices a pile of straw untop of the garden mulch and something that looks like pulled out fur. So he decides to reach his hand in and pulls it back out super fast because he felt something moving...first of all who sticks their hand into something like that with out knowing what it is...eeww!

After pulling out his hand this time he gets a stick to pull back the coverings to get a good look at the creatures. Luckily the critters turn out to be cute little bunnies cuddled up in a little hole covered with straw and fur. They had fur and their eyes were open, they were soo adorable.
We were sure not to touch them because we didn't want the mother to abandon them and not cotinue to feed them.

Funny thing is these are the little babies of the bunny I had been shooing out of my gardens all last summer.
I guess I'm not that intimidating.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I hope they don't eat all your plants! And I hope Max doesn't eat them :)
